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FFP update!

Hey team,

How lucky are we to have this amazing weather in Perth at the moment!

It's certainly making it hard to believe that winter is just 3 days away, especially when it's going to be 26 degrees on Saturday......... but don't let that fool you.

Scarborough Beach Foreshore.... today!

Winter will come and some of us will turn into bears and hibernate, it's just the way it is. Winter is a time where all the yummy comfort foods come out and every 2nd Facebook ad is throwing out some cheesy pasta casserole at you too.........arghhhh!

Don't get me wrong, I love cheese and lots of it, how can I not with having French parents.

But there needs to be a limit, just like with anything really. I'm still working on that one myself!

Along with comfort foods, come those cold mornings where we just don't want to get out of our warm bed and get to training.... but if we did this for the next 3 months our training regime and health would struggle come Spring time.

So.... in order to help you guys kick those Winter Blues and stop being a bear, we are having a 4 Week Transformation Challenge starting 10th June!

Transforming one session at a time

For 4 weeks you will get UNLIMITED training at ALL locations, weigh ins, measurements, a copy of our Naked Nutrition Manual which is packed full of tips, meal plans & recipes, you'll participate in our Fitness and Strength Challenges, plus so much more!

What will it cost you?

Only $99 for the WHOLE LOT! Plus as a bonus for the first 10 people to register, you can start training ASAP.

Click on the link below to register and I will be in contact asap.

Along with winter comes colds and flu's, so make sure you are taking your multi vitamins, eating the freshest of fresh produce and keep drinking plenty of water.

If you are struggling to keep your water intake up, squeeze some lime or lemon juice in your water or switch over to herbal tea, that way you are still staying hydrated.

Get squeezing!

Some of the benefits of drinking lemon water is :-

  • Boosts your immune system

  • Can relieve sore throats and respiratory problems

  • Flushes out toxins

  • It's a natural energiser

  • Balances pH

  • It hydrates and oxygenates the body and this is just to name a few!

What's been going on at FFP?

We have the lovely Alison join our team as a FFP trainer in the last few weeks and Alison is doing a great job. You will catch her at FFP on Monday mornings at 6am. Be sure to introduce yourself if you haven't met her yet.

We have been playing around with some new circuits, Tabata being one of them.... now this one seems to be everyone's favourite. Tabata is such a fabulous but intense work out giving you great results. We have been doing a 20 secs on with a 10 sec rest and all though all of you didn't say much during the session (hehe) you did love it once it was finished. Well done team.

We also tried out the cha cha slide plank challenge, which was a lot of fun, so much so that most of you didn't even realise you were planking for nearly 4 mins! Woop Woop :)..... still a way to go though as the World Record is 4 hours !!!!!!!!!!!

I have been super busy preparing the new FFP website which was made by my son, Dylan. He has the IT brain.... I do NOT! I'm super proud of him and I hope you all find it fabulous as well.

Bali Bootcamp

Don't forget Bali bootcamp is only about 6.5 weeks away and by then we will be right into winter, so it will be a fab time to get away from the cold and workout in the heat! OHHHH YESSS!!!

If you are interested in joining us, there are a few spots left. Just email me and I'll send the information through asap. Or check out the previous blog for details.

Winter warmer baked beans

I have a great recipe for homemade baked beans, super quick, easy and ohhh so yummy!

You can make a batch up and it will last 3 days in the fridge or you can freeze a portion for the following week.


  • 1 small onion (finely chopped)

  • 1 clove of garlic, crushed

  • 2 x bacon rashers ( finely chopped) – optional

  • 400g can of diced tomatoes

  • 1 tablespoon of wholegrain mustard

  • dash of paprika

  • chopped red chilli (optional)

  • 400g white beans

  • 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley


Cook onion, garlic and bacon in heated medium saucepan until onion softens.

Add tomatoes, mustard, cook stirring until hot.

Add beans, cook stirring until hot.

Stir in parsley.

This recipe serves 2 people, so just double the ingredients if you want to make more.

Long Weekend

Please note that FFP will be closed on Monday 3rd June due to a public holiday. So make sure you get out there and enjoy the long weekend AND make up that session this week or next week #nevermissasession

Well, that's it from me this week. I hope you all are keeping healthy and are fighting fit. Keep turning up to bootcamp, train well, have fun but most of all, always leave smiling.

I know I do!

Show us your guns!

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