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Hello sunshine, goal setting, step up your game, besties and I said.... !

Well hello sunshine, it's so nice to see you again!

We have had some crisp mornings of late at the 6am sessions, but we are then blessed with this glorious day time weather of mother nature showing us what is just around the corner. Spring!

No filter necessary!

My 5 km walk today was along the coast starting at Scarborough and heading towards Sorrento. It was so great to see so many people out walking, riding, running, pushing prams, skateboarding, surfing and swimming .... just basically moving and enjoying the day.

This kind of weather puts smiles back on peoples faces, it makes you feel great, energised, happy and just it gives you that overall wonderful feeling.

It's the little things you find when out walking!

Even if you're stuck in an office during the day, do yourself a favour and eat your lunch outside. Get some vitamin D and fresh air. You'll be amazed how much more productive your afternoon will be.

Spring also brings in new goals for the upcoming warmer months.

  • Have you thought about your goals?

  • What do YOU want to achieve and in what time frame?

  • Have you implemented a plan?

  • Do you need help with your goals?

I'm a big believer in starting with small baby steps to get to your overall goals. Then increase your training as time goes on and make any adjustments as needed. Listen to your body and think about how you are feeling, do you need to change some exercises, increase or decrease activities, alter your food intake to suit your goals?

That way it doesn't seem so overwhelming and you don't end up with a love hate relationship with your goal.

I'm a visual type of person, so I need to see my goals/plan DAILY! This helps me keep accountable and I tick off each day and I also know what is expected of me tomorrow.

Goal setting - put it up on your fridge!

I write up my goals a month ahead, I make sure they are 'realistic' goals and I try my hardest to stick to it. I also don't beat myself up about a day that may not have gone to plan as I make sure I regain focus the next day and keep moving forward.

I have really struggled in the last 6+ months with my training and that's purely due to my illness and medication playing havoc with my body and mind. I know there is absolutely no point signing up for a marathon (which I would love to do one day!) but I also need to listen to my body and do what it can handle. Each week is a learning curve but I'm getting better at understanding my capabilities. So far so good! Woop Woop!

My goals are to get back in the pool and do some walking. I used to swim 1km everyday, but for now I'm SUPER happy with 3 swims a week....and so is my body!

It's about finding a balance that suits YOU! We are not all the same, we have different needs and that's OK. If you need to change things, that's not failing, that's just changing the goal posts slightly.

Firstly, write your goal down. Set guidelines, time frames and what you want to achieve at the end of each month. Print out a calendar, fill it up with your training sessions, weigh ins (if that's one of your goals) , activities and place THIS calendar on your fridge.

Check everyday what you have scheduled yourself to do and go for it!

If you need help, please just ask!

Step up your game!

Another great way to get a bit of extra exercise in, is to count your steps. Most of us have a smart phone/or smart watch now and there are some fantastic free apps that you can use. So get on to it!

Did you know:-

  • 12,000+ steps is considered to be classed as 'highly active'

  • 10.000+ steps is considered to be classed as an 'active' day

  • 7,500 - 9,999 is considered to be classed as 'somewhat active'

  • 5,000 - 7.499 steps is considered to be classed as 'low active' day

  • 5,000 or less is considered to be classed as 'sedentary' day

How do I increase my steps at work?

  • take a walk at lunch time

  • look into using standing desks instead of sitting desks (or alternate between the two)

  • take the stairs instead of the lift

  • get up from your desk every 30 mins & walk for 2 mins (this will also help clear your mind)

  • park further away from where you need to go, so you walk further

  • walk for 20 mins a day (morning or night) before work

I set mine up with a 500 calories, 30 mins exercise, 12 hour standing and 10,000 steps goals per day. You can tailor them to what ever goals you want.

There is also a sleep app on my phone which is great for monitoring just how much 'good' sleep you are getting.

This is my data from the other day. It clearly shows if you have or haven't reached your goals. Simple!

Besties Week!

For our final week of our Transformation Challenge, we are having BESTIES week!

Training with your mates is the BEST!

If you have a friend that you have wanted to bring along to bootcamp and they haven't trained with us before....then...

Bring them down, starts 26th August!

They can train with you for the whole week for free!

Plus they will also get the special FFP intro offer!

Sign up your bestie and start training together.

Friends that workout together stay together!

On that note, I hope you are all having a fantastic time at bootcamp, making new friends, achieving new goals and overall feeling the best that you can be!

Make sure you never miss a session, because when you're not there I miss YOU!

OHHHH AND ......

Well, you can't wipe the smile off my face at the moment!

The love of my life asked me one simple question a few weeks ago and ..... I said YES!

We are super excited & thanks so much for all your lovely well wishes.

See you at bootcamp!

Ingrid & Ralphie


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