Hey team!
Well, it's only 4 weeks until Christmas and I know that many of you can't wait for some time off from work & training too. It's a special time to spend with family and friends out in the sunshine and fresh air. So hang in there..... time off is just around the corner!
Bootcamp will still be running for awhile yet. Our last session for the year will be at 9.30am at Butler's reserve on the 20th December, 2019. Bootcamp will resume at 6am on Monday 6th January, 2020.
As we head into the 'silly' season, please still make time to get to training. If you can't make the evening sessions due to other commitments, then swap them for a 6am session, you won't be sorry as the mornings at the moment are stunning! No need to book in, just turn up! I'll be there!
Even if you turn up for 20 mins of the session, it is better than nothing.

We have just completed our last 6 week Transformation Challenge for the year and what amazing results we've had this time round.
We had 50 people weigh in and commit to giving the 6 weeks a real go! This was probably one of the best challenges we've had this year in terms of attendance, performance and results. So well done to everyone for sticking to the challenge even though it is a busy time of the year.

Some of our challenges consisted of the Beep Test (Yeah!), fitness test, running time trials and more. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching you all improve whether it's in your fitness levels, strength or just in your well being. I am sure everyone gained a little something out of participating in the challenge.
So I bet you're busting to find out who the winners are?!?!?!
Drum roll.......
This time we have both an outstanding male and female winner!
For the men, it was Andrew Z that took out 1st place with a loss of 6.7kgs, lost 1.5% body fat and a loss of 10 cms overall! Well done Andy, you gave it everything in this challenge, even giving up animal protein (which I know must be hard for a butcher!) and it's great to see you loving your results.

A prize pack is heading your way Andrew!
Please congratulate Andy next time you see him at training.
For the ladies, it was Nicolle V that took out 1st place with a loss of 5.3kgs, lost 1.1% body fat and a loss of 10cms overall ! Well done Nicolle, you've done a fabulous job in this challenge. You stayed committed to your goals, changed eating habits when needed and now you are reaping the rewards.

A prize pack is heading your way Nicolle!

A big thank you also to Local Colour Hair in Scarborough for sponsoring a voucher for Nicolle. Click here for LCH details
Please congratulate Nicolle next time you see her at training.
Our runners up for the ladies were:-
Roz Hayes, Bron P, Sally B, Gemma M, Sam Hayes and Emma M - all these ladies lost between 1.4kgs - 2.5kgs, lost between 2%-3.5% body fat and 2- 5 cms overall.
Our runners up for the men were:-
Mike D, Tony S, Matt P, Wayne D and Richard P - all these men lost between 1.7 - 2.7kgs, lost between 1-3.4% body fat and 2-8 cms overall.
Such an outstanding job done by everyone that participated, you should be very proud . of yourselves....I certainly am!
It makes me so happy that you are all entering the Christmas period in a healthy and happy state, this will just make it so much easier for you to get back into training in 2020!
Beep, Beep ! results are in:-
Highest score was from Amien (9.30am crew) with stage 11, followed by Matt P with 10.5, Tony S with 10.3, Eb C & Andrew Z with 10.1 and Craig W with 9.
I'd like to note that there are many people that also improved on their beep test score over the 4 weeks, each stage is such an improvement!
Tony S Stage 8.5 to Stage 10.3
Andy Z Stage 7 to Stage 10.1
Craig W Stage 8.8 to Stage 9
Emma M Stage 4.2 to Stage 6.7
Corey Stage 6.3 to Stage 6.5
Ella Stage 5.5 to Stage 6.1
Bron P Stage 5 to Stage 5.5
It clearly shows you just how quickly your fitness can improve in 4 weeks with regular training and healthy eating habits to help you along the way.
Our time trials were a first for some, but I loved how you just went for it!
4 weeks later it was time to see how much you've improved and here are the results :-
Mike D & Corey - improved by 9 secs
Wayne & Matt - improved by 7 secs
Emma M, Ella & Tania M - improved by 6 secs
Bron & Tony - improved b by 5 secs
Roz, Jen C & Carol - improved by 4 secs
So as you can see there is a huge variety in results for everyone from all the mini challenges we did. Please be VERY proud of what YOU have achieved.
Please don't compare yourselves to anyone instead pat yourself on your back, hold your head high.... because YOU turned up to training, you committed yourself to getting fitter and healthier and you have achieved a change, however big or small it was.
A change is good!

Final catch up for 2019!
FFP final catch up for the year is on this Saturday (30th Nov) from 5pm at The Lookout in Scarborough. We hope to see you there! Don't forget to wear a little bit of Christmas too!

For the final weeks at bootcamp we will be having a lot of fun with fitness and themed workouts, so make sure you get there and don't miss out.
Over the holidays, try and get outside and enjoy the summer weather. Go for long walks along the coast, remember to stop and take in the view. Every little bit of exercise helps over the festive period. Here are some mini work outs you can do over this time .

Don't forget to get rolling too!

New FFP babies!
The past few months have been busy in the FFP mums corner, Congratulations ladies!

Jen and Andrew welcomed little Imogen (sister to Ariella) in October and she is a delightful bundle of joy! She's definitely making Yummy Mummy bootcamp's such a treat.

Jodi and Doug welcomed little Jack (brother to Charlie) in October as well. Jodi now has her hands full with all boys in the house! We look forward to having Jodi back at training in the new year.
What's on for 2020?
We will be running another Transformation Challenge in February, 2020 once all the madness has settled down. So if you missed out on our last one, mark it in your diaries and watch this space for more details.
Over the holidays I'll be revamping the fitness test, increasing the time trials and making some new additions to our programs.
Plus we will have one week every 6 weeks where you can bring a *friend along for 1 weeks unlimited training for free! We've all got that one friend that says 'one day'...... well 2020 is going to be their year!
We will also have 'Shredding for the Wedding', 'Get fit and Fabulous' packages & 21 Day Detox programs coming in 2020, plus so much more!
Well that's it for now, keep on track and remember you're worth it! Make the time and get to training, eat healthy wholesome and delicious foods, be with family and friends that make you happy and make memories!
See you at bootcamp.
Ingrid & Ralphie
*a friend that hasn't trained with FFP before