Hi everyone,
With all that is happening in our community at the moment and in order for us all to stay safe, I have decided to temporarily suspend our face-to-face FFP bootcamp from Thursday 26th March, 2020 and move to online sessions.
It was a very hard decision to make, but your and your family’s health and safety is of the highest importance.
I need you all to stay healthy during this trying time and you also need to keep up with your fitness in any way you can from your home.
I will have Zoom or FB live up and running in the coming days where I will do live bootcamp streams. I'm excited because I will now be with you everywhere!! :)
I will keep you posted soon when the 'Live' times will be.
I also hope to be adding the following sessions i.e. Iron Yoga, 7 min work outs, foam rolling etc.
In regards to your memberships, this will be revised in the coming days.
I would also like you to let me know what equipment (bands, mini bands, ab wheels, Kettlebells, skipping ropes, ladders etc etc) you may need from me in order to keep you training in your home. Please have a look around your house/garage and dust off whatever you can find.
I will be doing gear drop off's from this Thursday/Friday. I will just pop them at your door, do a virtual high five and be on my way.
I do have a fair bit of equipment, but it will be first in first served! So make sure you reply to this email.
I will be sending a Tabata program for you to do in the next few days. You can choose to do 1 circuit only for 5-7 minutes or do 1 & 2 circuits together etc etc. You decide!
As much as this a sad time in suspending the physical locations of the business temporarily, I do also see it as a new exciting time, and hey.... I'm learning new things too!
Last day for all face-to-face bootcamp sessions will be TOMORROW Wednesday at 6am, 9.30am and 6pm (unless things change again!). You are more than welcome to take equipment after these sessions.
We are SO lucky to have such a wonderful FFP community, so let's look after each other, stay healthy and stay fit.
FFP will be back and it will be better than ever.
Sending virtual hugs.
Ingrid and Ralphie
